What are you growing?
Broccoli, Chives, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Radishes, Kholrabi, Zuchini, Strawberries, and Cherry Tomatoes.
What have you been doing to maintain the garden?
I added some compost and a little bit of bone meal at the very beginning and have been watering the garden.
What are you enjoying the most about gardening?
I am just really pleased to see things grow. We tasted some radishes from the garden yesterday, which was really neat. My grandson is visiting this summer and it's just a nice activity for the family.
What challenges have you encountered?
The cauliflower has been separating and I'm not sure what is wrong with it. The broccoli has also gone to seed without making a flower. It's all new to me and I got a pretty late start, so I think next year will be a lot better.
What or who has been the biggest help in your gardening success?
I just talk to people I come across in my daily life, and a fair number of people know about gardening. I've had a lot of good advice from my coworkers. I've been told that the reason my cauliflower isn't doing well is that their leaves don't like to be in direct sunlight.

A kholrabi flourishes in Hertha's garden